The Pythia

In keeping with my current fascination with Greek mythology (perhaps because I’m currently taking a really good class on the subject) we’re going to talk today about the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi.  For those of you who don’t know her–and I’m using the term ‘her‘...

Maps of Eldath

Maps of Eldath, ordered by their original appearances in the series Cambrell & Northern Shundovia; Northwestern Alderak Soirus-Gamerit, Runeme, and Tasha-Mal; Southeastern Sevenlands Runeme and Farra-Jerra; Northern Sevenlands The Gathan Mountains, Northern...

The Epic of Creation

BEFORE the world was, the aether was formless, without sight or sound. There was only the Void–black, deep, and unknowable. For cycle upon cycle, infinite in number, the darkness remained. There came a time, though, that the great god Light grew restless, and called...